Celebrate Stages 2025
Volunteer Opportunities
Thank you for your interest in volunteering for Celebrate Stages!
You can help make Celebrate Stages successful by volunteering before, during, or after the show! Many hands make light work. Choose from a variety of roles. If you have any questions, contact Carolyn Curran at carolyn@mjtstages.org or Jamie Piotrowski at jamie@mjtstages.org.
To sign up, click the button below to go to the Tickets page, and select your volunteer role in the Add-ons section.
Volunteer Roles & Descriptions
Sponsor Recruiter
Contact potential sponsors for the event, explain the opportunities, and follow up with them. Report to: Carolyn Curran.
Food Donation Recruiter
Solicit donations of food for the event from local restaurants. Report to: Jamie Piotrowski.
Pickup pre-arranged (by others) donations of food and balloons and deliver to the venue by 1:00pm. Note: Volunteer will need a ticket if they will attend the show. Report to: Jamie Piotrowski.
Event Space Setup
Duties: Tidy event space, setup chairs, tables and other items in advance of event date. Arrive: TBD. Report to: Carolyn Curran.
Arrive one hour prior to event to greet patrons and direct them to the venue at West Herr Performing Arts Center. Note: Volunteer will need a ticket if they will attend the show. Reports to: House Manager.
Refreshments Setup
Duties: Tidy lobby, setup refreshments 90 minutes before curtain. Arrive: 90 minutes prior to showtime. Report to: Jamie Piotrowski.
Refreshments Server
Duties: Leave event 10 minutes before Intermission to uncover refreshments, then help serve. Arrive: 10 minutes prior to Intermission. Dress: Nicely (black and white preferably). Report to: Jamie Piotrowski.
Refreshments Host
Duties: Greet guests, help direct them to food and drink options, keep people moving. Arrive: 10 minutes before intermission. Report to: Jamie Piotrowski.
Refreshments Cleanup
Duties: Cleanup refreshment area after the event. Report to: Jamie Piotrowski.
Duties: Scan tickets, hand out programs, help patrons with special needs, tidy before and after performance. Arrive: 1 hour prior to curtain. Skills Needed: Smile, hand out programs, scan tickets, pickup garbage, operate vacuum. Dress: Nicely -- black and white preferably. Note: Ushers will need a ticket if they will attend the show. Report to: House Manager.
Strike Crew
Following the performance, around 7:30 p.m., help strike chairs, tables, and tech equipment, clean up the theater and hallways, collect garbage, vacuum, and load-out signs and any equipment. Reports to: Jamie Piotrowski, Carolyn Curran, and Tom Pembrook.