Tech/Assistantships: MOANA JR.
Performances: Nov. 12-14
We are currently looking for students in grades 6-12 to fill tech crew and assistantship positions for MOANA JR.

Time & Location
Performances: Nov. 12-14
Rochester, 875 E Main St, Rochester, NY 14605, USA
About the Event
We are looking for students in grades 7-12, who would like to apply for a theater or tech assistantship for MOANA JR. Students in grade 6 can also apply for an administrative assistant position. See below for application form and descriptions.
Sign in to the (or create an account and fill out the profile information).MyStages Family Portal
Select the student, then choose "".Enroll In a Program
Select School Year "", Program "," and choose the shows ("program sessions") and positions ("program add-ons") you are interested in.2021-2022 Season21-22 Moana JR. Assistantships
Theater Assistantship: STUDENT ASSISTANT